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League Championship

A classic football board game endorsed by Gordon Banks and George Best at various times. Brilliantly simple and addictive game play and beautifully designed.

The one to look out for is the Leeds United special edition.

League Championship final edition
League Championship final edition
This was the very last version of the game produced. New black and white ball (see image below) and weird spy promo flyer inside.
League Championship final edition£45.00
League Championship Leeds United
League Championship Leeds United
The game was reboxed in 1974 to celebrate Leeds United title triumph. The contents are identical but the box lid is unique.
Very hard to find a copy now.
League Championship Leeds United£75.00
George Best version
George Best version
The George Best version of the game. An early example of player endorsement.
The last edition of the game
The last edition of the game
Shortly before the game ceased being produced they updated the ball on the back of the game board to the iconic black and white ball.
League Championship game
League Championship game
The original standard game.
Reverse of playing pitch
Reverse of playing pitch
I loved this huge ball graphic as a child.
Playing pitch
Playing pitch
A glorious circular playing pitch
Playing pieces
Playing pieces
Six playing figures, six ball markers, player and action cards, dice and a trophy plus rules
Playing pieces
Playing pieces
Player figures and ball markers plus the ultimate prize of a big silver cup
Playing cards
Playing cards
The playing cards could alter the outcome of a match
A very smart referees rule book
Final edition insert
Final edition insert
A very odd box inserted promo flyer put into the last edition. Called Spy & Score.
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