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World Cup

Lovely game from Arco Falc in Italy. 4 a side game with great looking pitch and surround barriers. Players have a kicking action built into the bases and the game is very similar to Striker, Cup Final, Big League and Kick Off

World Cup
World Cup
Big colourful box with picture of the game and large title. Four-a-side set.
World Cup Jolly Giant version
World Cup Jolly Giant version
An exclusive edition for Jolly Giant stores. This is a five a side set, so has an extra player on each team and a special branded pitch.
Playing pieces
Playing pieces
The game consists of a vinyl pitch, two goals with moveable keepers and three players per team plus ball and surround barrier. Everything made from soft plastic.
Playing figures
Playing figures
The figures have spring mechanisms in the bases to enable kicking. Amazingly the team members do seem to struggle with 'man boobs', maybe the training is not rigorous enough!
The keepers can move from side to side in the goals, they are rather oversized.
Playing the game
Playing the game
The figures can be moved around the pitch depending upon where the ball is. There are index letters along the side of the pitch to help with positioning.
Superstar signs!
Superstar signs!
Jake the Peg with his extra leg signed a three year deal last week and is being used for promotional endorsements of the game.
Pitch surround
Pitch surround
Lots of famous Italian companies advertising around the pitch - Fiat, Piaggio and Pirelli.
As so often happens the boy who first owned this set stuck all the advertising stickers on upsidedown!
Greek version of the game
Greek version of the game
I came across a greek version of the same game by Perma Toys with possibly the greatest piece of copy on any football game box!!
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