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Soccerama (prototype)

What a find! After years at auctions and on ebay I find an original prototype Soccerama game.

Noticable differences from the later, famous game but also plenty of recognisable elements.

I'm sure it's not normal to get so excited over this?

Here is the main page about Soccerama

Soccerama prototype
Soccerama prototype
Simple basic graphic sticker on plain box. Contents complete. Rare ‘ground names’. Redesign.
Soccerama prototype£150.00
Soccerama black box
Soccerama black box
The earliest commercial production of the game and very, very rare box.
Still has the pen top counters and the 'ground names' board but now in an ASL box.
Playing pieces
Playing pieces
Whilst the cards and board are recognisable the playing counters are actually felt tip pen tops! Magnificent ingenuity.
Playing board
Playing board
Recognisable board but notice the ground names instead of player graphics
Later board
Later board
This is the later ASL board for comparison - colour and more professional.
Playing pieces
Playing pieces
The money, cards and award cards are all very similar to the famous later game.
Simple typed sheets of rules.
Black box components
Black box components
Those weird pen top counters again!
Black box board
Black box board
The same board as the prototype.
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