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Soccerette (flat players)

A very early version of the game that uses the magnet and pitch format but includes original Subbuteo type celluloid players. Definitely original these figures are miniature versions of the Subbuteo figures on unique bases.

Soccerette then changed to a 3D type figure

Soccerette flat set
Soccerette flat set
Gorgeous brown bakelite pitch with black wood surround. Lovely showpiece with 7 flat figures, 4 rods, box (tatty). A couple of magnetic blocks are missing, easily replaced. My rarest game?
Soccerette flat set£95.00
Playing pieces
Playing pieces
Highly unusual celluloid figures exactly like Subbuteo figures only smaller in unique bases.
Soccerette naming
Soccerette naming
The pitch surround has great graphics, visible in this mean and moody photographic presentation!
How many operators?
How many operators?
I'm glad you asked, this set is for 2 to 4 operators.
Subbuteo comparison
Subbuteo comparison
The figure on the left is the Soccerette player and the other is a Subbuteo celluloid player. Very similar but short lived production from Soccerette.
Playing pieces
Playing pieces
The figures are controlled by magnetic rods under the pitch. The circular ball does however retain a mind of its own.
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