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Corinthian Soccer

A very old game possibly 1920s or earlier. Fantastic metal and wood contraption where your formation is rigid and unwaivering, honed in steel.

As they so rightly say 'Haphazard games reduce the interest' so just you concentrate fully!

Corinthian Soccer
Corinthian Soccer
Sturdy wooden and metal frame, metal cross members and team formations on a wooden surround.
Corinthian Soccer£175.00
The goals
The goals
a work of art in themselves. Perforated metal sheets screwed in place.
The players
The players
Rubber feet at the intersection of the metal lengths!
The playing method
The playing method
Move your rigid team metal formation within the confines of the metal bars!
The defence
The defence
Full backs stuck together forever.
The rules
The rules
Brief rules on the ball bag!
The ball
The ball
Is a good old ball bearing
Thoughtful play
Thoughtful play
Corinthian Soccer offers facilities for thoughtful play
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