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Sculptorcraft Footballers

Wow, how this must have excited young boys through the years!

Mix up a mush of gloopy plaster, pour it into a manky mould and hey presto - a superb hand painted memento for mother or father's day!

Sculptorcraft Footballers
Sculptorcraft Footballers
An unused set of moulds and plaster mix to make your very own action footballer tiles!
Sculptorcraft Footballers£40.00
The contents
The contents
A set of four plastic moulds, paints, brushes, turps and bag of plaster mix plus four hanging screws in case you wanted to display your masterpieces.
Whatever was in the bottle has rotted the lid and melted all the plastic!
Moulds 1
Moulds 1
Yes these are simply moulds, I know they look like state of the art hi-resolution digital imagery but believe me they are simply vacuum formed plastic moulds.
Moulds 2
Moulds 2
More 'true to life' highly detailed moulds. You can even pick out the hairs on the arm of the footballers (not!)
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