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1950 Boys Book of Football - Spot Football dice game

1951 Boys Book of Football - Card Football game

Super little free games that were frequently included in the pages of football albums in the 1950s/60s and 70s. Clever games, so simple and great fun with an element that lets you plan ahead.

Huge thanks to Malcolm Prince for the photos.

Spot Football
Spot Football
Great little game, move the ball using a dice - you can move in any directions through any numbers that don't exceed the number you threw.
Spot Football£35.00
The rules
The rules
Simple rules that offer a great range of tactics. As ever throwing a six alters the game in many ways.
Boys' Book Of Soccer
Boys' Book Of Soccer
This game appeared in the 1950 Boys' Book of Soccer.
Card Football
Card Football
Great game from the 1951 annual, uses a pack of cards to prompt movements of the ball. Complete in annual.
Card Football£35.00
The rules
The rules
Ingenious to apply rules to the suits in a pack of cards.
Boys Book of Soccer
Boys Book of Soccer
The 1951 edition.
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