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Casdon Soccer (or Casdon Football)

A game most people of a certain age probably remember from their childhood. Still regularly sells well on ebay. Came in a few versions including and England version around the late seventies with the famous Admiral kitted team.

If you have ever seen the players in blue, green or yellow plastic then please get in touch.

Later relaunched in a fabulous international edition.

Casdon Football
Casdon Football
The earliest version of the game - titled Football not Soccer and a natty blue jumper for Bobby.
Casdon Soccer with blue jumper
Casdon Soccer with blue jumper
Version 2 is a blue jumper version of the box but with 'soccer' instead of 'football' wording. This is the rarest of all the box versions.
Blue turns to red
Blue turns to red
What a comb over!
Only Ralph Coates was able to offer any sort of competition in the hair stakes.
The name changes to Soccer and the jumper turns red (bet Man Utd insisted on that!)
Casdon (Kenny Dalglish)
Casdon (Kenny Dalglish)
A later game from the late 70s. Once Bobby retired the game was relaunched with a Kenny Dalglish endorsement. Complete but in poor box.
Different player versions
Different player versions
The chunkier figures are from the early set and the weedy ones from the later sets. Apparently also available in blue, green and yellow plastic but I have never seen these.
The goals
The goals
Clip in plastic goals and a large sloping indentation in front of the goals surely favours the attackers
Playing pieces
Playing pieces
The teams clip into place and also have notched rings on the bases to catch the ball bearing
Name change
Name change
Back in the Sixties I am sure Soccer was a banned word!
Photoshop art
Photoshop art
Pretty crappy retouching on the box lid photo!!
I'm learning Photoshop at the moment so I find this highly amusing.
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