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Soccer International (Casdon)

The 'deluxe' edition of the long running Casdon soccer game. Same pitch and players as the basic game however this set contained four international teams as the added extra. 

Soccer International
Soccer International
A lovely big box full of football game! Nice rip off badges and bright illustration.
Playing pitch
Playing pitch
The usual Casdon pitch and format
Team colours
Team colours
Loosely based on German, Italy, Holland and Ireland?
Sticker sheet
Sticker sheet
An unused set of player stickers. Two complete teams - blue shirts and orange shirts.
Playing figures
Playing figures
Nice new team colours and the goalies have a massive paddle to help them save shots!
Playing figure
Playing figure
The stick on player graphics are an improvement on the old unpainted moulded figures in the earlier game.
Playing kits
Playing kits
I'm a sucker for football stickers and kits so these would have made my day.
Playing pieces
Playing pieces
Nicely shown on the box.
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